神道夢想流杖術の開祖である夢想権之助勝吉しかり、合気道の開祖である植芝盛平翁しかり、古来より武道家は一つの武道を修行しながらも他の武道にも目を向け、研究し、取り入れ、自らが目指す武道へと昇華させています。 「相互の格技である杖道」の杖の打突、太刀の斬る動きや当身、有声の気合い等と「自他一体とする合気道」の体さばき、足さばき、手さばき、無声の気合い等はそれぞれの術理と相似しており、杖道と合気道を同じく修練することは、それぞれの理を学ぶ上で相乗効果があり非常に効果的です。
連絡先: kouseikaibudou@yahoo.co.jp
Jodo has taken in the strong point of the spear, the halberd, and the sword. It is the substantial synthesis martial art (earnest form) and whose "KI, JO, and TAI" originally corresponded. However, a beginner and a middle-class person are in the tendency for an understanding of original "Jutusri" to lack in order to concentrate on a "Kata" too much, or in order to put emphasis only on application too much.
Ueshiba Morihei Sensei who learned the old style art of Kenjutsu and old style jujutsu unites the "Jutsuri" and develops to Aikido. It can be said that the essence of aikido is in the spiritualism made into "mind, heart, and body" oneself-and-others one instead of the fight martial art made bloody aiming at winning.
Musou Gonnosuke which is the founder of Shintoh Musohryuu Jojutsu, and the Morihei Ueshiba which is the founder of aikido are the same, and though a martial art house self-trains one martial art from ancient times, it is made to study and take in other martial art and to sublimate to the martial art which oneself aims at.
The motion of Jodo and Aikido are similar to each theory. Practicing Jodo and aikido simultaneously has a synergistic effect who studies each theory, and it is very effective. KOHSEI-KAI protected and raised Jodo and Aikido which our ancestor produced spending long history, and I hope that we would like to spread correctly at a world. | |